Due to formatting reasons, I am unable to load the complete version of the card I scanned and manipulated today. I will continue to work on it. I have a sneaky suspicion that certain photoshop jobs may be too large to post here. If not that, I don't know what the deal is. Please bear with me during the course of your day. This is a very special holiday for Sabine and I, and I take it very seriously. It galls me to post a "please stand by due to technical difficulties" post, but we do what we can.
Sabine, I love you
I miss you terribly
I want you
I long for you
I hunger and thirst for you
The need and drive in me that propels
every choice I make
Is you
You are the engine
You are the inspiration
You are hope and dreams
You are my light and life
Without you, I despair
With you, I am completed
I belong to you
And you to me
On this Valentine's Day
Be mine
I love you
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