This is getting frustrating and desperate. AHHHHH! I feel like screaming. The job market sucks, by the way. NOBODY is hiring. I just spent today filling out applications for Applebees, O'Charley's, Smokey Bones, T.G.I. Friday's (what's the required amount of "flair" to wear?), Chili's, Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Mellow Mushroom, Outback, Ruby Tuesday's, Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million, Red Robin, and a computer repair store that looked like it had about 2 employees and only needed one. I've done the online resume thing and sent it out to all parts of cyberspace. I've submitted my paper resume to nearly every place in this town that has even the remotest need for someone to fix a computer (hospitals, communications centers, insurance agencies, even the damn newspaper).
I wonder if I could make any money as a male dancer? I doubt it. I can't dance for shit and don't really meet the physical requirements for the jobs (not super ripped, don't have a 13-inch trouser snake, and I'm not gay). Anyway, I'm rambling. I hope I find something soon. Like I said, I'm feeling very frustrated and desperate more and more frequently. I have to find something soon, otherwise, you may see a Microsoft Certified bag-boy at your local supermarket very soon, or the guy asking if you'd like some fries with that at Mickey D's or BK.

I'm definitely having one of those days where I'd like to crawl under a rock and close my eyes and wait for it to all be over. The truth is, however, that the only things about this situation that are able to change will have to be changed by me. So for tonight, I'm going to put on my cozy flannel pajama pants Sabine just sent me, curl up with a good book (Sabine knows just the one), and try not to wish too hard that I had a tub to soak in (definitely a "Calgon, take me away" kind of night).
Wish me luck, as I get back out there tomorrow and start the whole process over again. And again, and again, and again until I find something. Hmmm, I wonder if it's as easy to rob a bank as the movies seem to make it? I doubt it. I'd probably need enough accomplices for the job that would not make the money worth it. If this was 150 years ago, it might be worth it, but these days, the sheer logistics make big-time crime pretty impractical unless you've already got the access to the millions or billions that you're planning to embezzle. What a ripoff. The poor need the money, and the retardedly rich are falling all over themselves to steal more. I think in my next life, I'll come back as a gangster rapper. They seem to have a good head on their shoulders, and almost no problems to speak of.

I love you will all work out my love.