The past couple of days I've had to do the job-hunting thing after almost 6 years. I had forgotten what a pain in the neck it is to get out there, beat the streets, update resumes, and have the ever increasing pressure of that ever-dwindling supply of savings. To say these few days have been nerve-wracking and stressful would be an understatement. I'm only a couple of tests away from my MCSA certification, which should land me a pretty decent job, but the market isn't that great in the small town I landed in. I'd love to write full-time, but I've gotten rusty and my muse has only recently returned (Sabine, I am eternally grateful for you). I've got a lot in me that needs to be written (and read), it's just taking time. I don't know who among you has experienced the brain-baby feelings of intellectual and mental labor pangs. The pains of a literary birth are there, but there's still a bit of a blockage. Perhaps the stress of everything that's going on is hindering my creative juices.
I'm willing to travel, and as a matter of fact, the plan is for me to eventually get out to where Sabine is located. For that, I'll need to have some savings to cover the cost of the travel, a deposit on a place to live, at least a couple months rent or payment in advance, and a few other incidentals.
This may take time, as I'm in the process of what looks to be a very messy and expensive divorce.

I will also have to calculate what child support payments will be, according to whatever my income is going to be. I'll have to make enough money to pay for the fuel, auto payments, and insurance. The only thing I'm not having to pay right now is rent, which is fortunate. I've had to move back in with my dad for a while. This is a heavy blow to my self-esteem. It feels like I'm a teenager or something again sometimes. After being independent for so long, having to come back to depend in any way on someone else is difficult for me. Hopefully this process will not last too long. I spoke to a human resources rep at a hospital in the local area about a computer administrator job they had posted. It sounded fairly promising. I may even have to consider getting a night job (like a regular job-type job, not a career-type job) so I can focus on interviews and whatnot during the day. I know Waffle House is always hiring somewhere, and they particularly have trouble keeping night-shift help. There is good reason for this. I don't know how many of you out there have experienced this, but Waffle House is not the most pleasant place to be between 2 and 5 in the morning.

Oh well, there are other options. I am trying to keep a positive attitude about this, and I have a great support system, especially in Sabine. I couldn't do this without her support. I am very grateful to have a friend and cheerleader like her in my corner. Any little bit helps though. If you believe in this kind of stuff, pray for me. If not, then I'll pray for you. I just made myself feel clever. Ha ha ha. Anyway, it's getting late, and I've got some streets to beat in the morning. Good night all.
Sweetheart, this is a bad time for you, but you will get through this as you are very strong.