It will soon be 2009, and it is indeed a time for self reflection. I do not make resolutions anymore ,as I always felt the pressure of those choices weigh on me and felt doomed to keep them. I do however think it is a good time for reflection of the past year and perhaps a good time to re evaluate some things you may want to achieve in the coming year.
My own goals for this coming year are to be as healthy as I can be. To take responsibility for that health by making good choices in food and drink and exercise and sleep.
I also would like to pay off all my credit card debt. To do that I am going to write out a budget and figure what I would have to pay each month to achieve that goal, and not use the cards at all this year.
A more important goal is one I am unsure of when or how to accomplish, but will figure it out as needed. I want to work towards my own happiness and dreams. I know that sounds a little vague, but it really isn't. Griffin will know what I mean by that one.
Today is my anniversary. The fifth anniversary of being diagnosed with stage one breast cancer.
At exactly 5 pm , five years ago today, I got the call from my doctor apologizing for telling me via the phone, but stating that she knew I would want to know as soon as possible. After hanging up the phone and telling my two house mates at the time , I lay my head down on the kitchen table and wept and wept. They wept with me and held me.
As long as I live I will never forget that moment in time. I am so blessed to still be here , and to be in remission and healthy. I am so grateful to God for that and to the good doctors I had.
I look forward to the coming year ahead and all the possibilities that are there. I want to be optimistic and filled with hope that 2009 will be a stellar year and full of many happy experiences to come.
I know that having Griffin back in my life, while it has brought many added stressors in some ways, has also brought me joy and happiness in many others. It is a miracle in many ways that we are back in each others lives.
My wish for all of you is one of health and happiness and may your dreams come true this year.
Have a wonderful New Year!