I remember when I first met her. My Sabine. It was, as she says, in a chat room. At that time, we enjoyed each other's company a lot. We had so many things in common, and I have to admit, it wasn't very long at all before I realized that I was crushing on her pretty hard. Eventually we began speaking on the phone. I remember the very first phone call we shared I was so nervous. I was really just a kid at the time, although I know that I'd have resented hearing that about myself then. But nevertheless, I was nervous about hearing her for the first time on the phone. She could tell. She called me from the bathtub. That thought alone was really more than enough to set my heart to racing. It was still very early on in the friendship, but I felt very attracted to her. I don't think I'd even seen a photo of her at that point. Well, the Internet's funny like that. And then her voice. Her lovely, beautiful, wonderful voice. It's got a very gentle quality about it, although I have definitely heard her inner warrior in that voice many times. There's a subtle Texas drawl to it that comes out when she gets excited about something. Or when she's speaking to folks with extreme New York accents. She and I love to do voices together. I could spend hours talking about her voice, but I'll press on. She's got this way about her. In many respects, she's very old-fashioned (in all the best ways, and none of the worst). She can cook and bake, and then she'll turn around and surprise you when you find out about the very technical nature of her job. She has an extremely keen wit, and when the situation calls for it, she'll tell you exactly what's on her mind. It's often tempered with an genuine goodness and kindness, but if she's got to call a spade a spade, she does exactly that. She's softer than a spring rain falling on flowers, and yet she's tougher than nails. She can ride a horse, change an alternator on a car, and yet you'll see her in a little black dress at a party and look at her right when she's biting her lip and wonder how the world doesn't just blow her away sometimes. Don't be fooled. She may be biting her lip in doubt, but don't be surprised if it's more likely that she's sizing you up. She's a very keen judge of character, and is fiercely loyal to those she loves. She's a real woman. The kind every man wishes he had. I don't know how I got so lucky. She loves my big dumb ass for reasons that seem very plain to her, but often mystify me. She captivates and enthralls me. I love her and miss her madly. Our love is very precious to me, and it is continually evolving. Our life together is complicated much of the time, but it's also a great adventure. I adore her.
You my love amaze me with your loving kindness. I am deeply touched that you think these things about me and that you feel this way. I am honored to love you.