Even though a long lost brother
has found me.
I find no comfort there.
I am still a only child,
that lonely little girl
twirling in the grass
playing with her dolls,
climbing huge oak trees
perched atop my kingdom.
Strange brothers can do nothing
to fill that void
inside me now.
A disconnected voice
from a fathers long ago mistake.
How many more secrets
from his past
will continue to haunt me?
How many broken promises
and lost dreams
can one lonely woman survive?
His fractured spirit
is still following me around
from the grave.
Boney fingers pushing up from the dirt,
to claw at me again.
I placed a rock on top of your resting place
hoping to keep you inside,
Where you could never hurt me again.
Something I didn't realize then,
was that rocks can't keep ghost contained.
Sabine/ 2008
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